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Help To Buy ISAs


The Help to Buy ISA scheme is now closed for new account holders

Existing holders can still save into their account until November 2029. The Help to Buy ISA is a UK government sponsored product which aims to help people who want to save for a house.


Lifetime ISAs are an alternative scheme to support first time buyers and come with a Government bonus. 

How to transfer a Help to Buy ISA to a Lifetime ISA

Although you can have both a Help to Buy ISA and a Lifetime ISA at the same time, you could consider transferring a Help to Buy ISA to a Lifetime ISA (LISA) although you will only get the bonus on one of them when you buy your first home.

However, you can only transfer up to £4,000 – your annual LISA limit – in every year. Money you’ve already paid into your LISA is counted toward this limit. For example, if you had already saved £1,500 in your LISA then you can only transfer in £2,500 from your Help to buy ISA.

Other ISA types

There are many other types of ISA that you may be interested in too. Compare the best ISA rates today with  

Stocks and shares ISAs

Fixed rate cash ISAs

Easy access cash ISAs

This week's best ISA rates


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