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Loans Guides

We've collated our most popular and most recently-published loan guides in one place for you. Designed to help you through the basics as well as more complicated issues, browse our entire back catalogue today.

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Our most popular loans guides

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What is the Consumer Credit Act?

The Consumer Credit Act (CCA) is a key piece of legislation that protects consumers and regulates credit agreements. Find out how it affects you and your rights.

The Consumer Credit Act (CCA) is a key piece of legislation that protects consumers and regulates credit agreements.

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What is a cooling off period? What are my rights?

A cooling off period is a number of days, usually 14, that allows you to change your mind about a purchase or contract you completed from a distance. Find out when this applies and how it works.

A cooling off period is a number of days, usually 14, that allows you to change your mind about a purchase or contract you completed from a distance.

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How to improve your credit score

Our guide sets out 11 steps to boosting your credit score, including making payments on time and keeping your credit utilisation low.

Our guide sets out 11 steps to boosting your credit score, including making payments on time and keeping your credit utilisation low.

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APR explained UK credit cards and loans

The annual percentage rate, is used as an indicator of the interest and charges you would have to pay back on an unsecured loan or credit card per year.

The annual percentage rate, is used as an indicator of the interest and charges you would have to pay back on an unsecured loan or credit card per year.

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What affects your credit score?

Applications for credit, your payment history and levels of debt are some of the factors that can affect your credit score. Find out more here.

Find out some of the factors that can positively and negatively affect your credit score.

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Can I get a guarantor loan?

Guarantor loans are used by people with no or a bad credit history. In this type of loan a 'guarantor' guarantees the lender that they will repay the loan if the person who has taken it out cannot. Find out more here.

In this type of loan a 'guarantor' guarantees the lender that they will repay the loan if the person who has taken it out cannot.

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How does being self-employed impact your finances?

What you need to know about how being self-employed can impact your finances.

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Should I avoid payday loans?

Payday loans offer easy loans up to around £1000 a month typically charging very high interest rates. Find out more about payday loans in our guide.

Payday loans offer easy loans up to around £1000 a month typically charging very high interest rates. Find out more about payday loans in our guide.

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A guide to the Financial Conduct Authority UK

Our guide to the Financial Conduct Authority. Everything you need to know as a UK consumer.

Our guide to the Financial Conduct Authority. Everything you need to know as a UK consumer.

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Business loans vs personal loans: Which should I choose?

Business loans and personal loans are both options if you need to borrow money, but there are several key differences between them. Find out which type of loan could be right for your requirements.

Business loans and personal loans are options if you need to borrow money, but there are several key differences between them.

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How to improve your credit score

Our guide sets out 11 steps to boosting your credit score, including making payments on time and keeping your credit utilisation low.

Our guide sets out 11 steps to boosting your credit score, including making payments on time and keeping your credit utilisation low.

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What is the Consumer Credit Act?

The Consumer Credit Act (CCA) is a key piece of legislation that protects consumers and regulates credit agreements. Find out how it affects you and your rights.

The Consumer Credit Act (CCA) is a key piece of legislation that protects consumers and regulates credit agreements.

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What is a cooling off period? What are my rights?

A cooling off period is a number of days, usually 14, that allows you to change your mind about a purchase or contract you completed from a distance. Find out when this applies and how it works.

A cooling off period is a number of days, usually 14, that allows you to change your mind about a purchase or contract you completed from a distance.

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What affects your credit score?

Applications for credit, your payment history and levels of debt are some of the factors that can affect your credit score. Find out more here.

Find out some of the factors that can positively and negatively affect your credit score.

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What is debt consolidation?

One strategy to help you manage your debts with multiple lenders is to consolidate it all under one form of credit. Debt consolidation can have several benefits for the right borrower, but could another debt repayment strategy work for you?

Debt consolidation can have several benefits for the right borrower, but there are some points to bear in mind.

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How to get a bridging loan

In this guide we’ve explained what a bridging loan is, and some considerations you’ll need to make during the application process.

In this guide we’ve explained what a bridging loan is, and some considerations you’ll need to make during the application process.

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