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What is the open market option?

Image of Leanne Macardle

Leanne Macardle

Freelance Contributor

Blue sticky note on a desk with the word 'Annuity' written on it

At a glance

• If you’re thinking of using your pension pot to purchase an annuity in retirement, you need to make sure you get the best possible rate
• Shopping around is key – and this is what the open market option refers to
• By comparing annuities on the open market, rather than automatically choosing the one offered by your pension provider, you can be confident that you’ve found the right deal for you

Just before you reach retirement, you will receive two pieces of information from your pension provider:

An annuity is a financial product you can buy when you retire. It is designed to provide a guaranteed income for the rest of your life, but is not the only way you can take an income from your pension pot.

If you decide to purchase an annuity, you don't have to go with the quote you are given by your pension provider. Instead, you can shop around and compare different annuity rates: this is what the "Open Market Option" means.

Shop around

There are two reasons why you should shop around for your annuity:
Annuity rates vary a lot, so shopping around for the best one is crucial. In some cases you could get a much higher rate
• You will probably not be able to swap annuity provider later on, so your decision will affect the rest of your life. It's therefore vital to make sure that you're getting the best annuity before buying.

Get personalised annuity quotations

Always try to get quotes that take into account your health, lifestyle and medical history. If you suffer from bad health or you smoke, for instance, you may be able to get a higher income in retirement.
See our guide what are enhanced annuities for more information.

Don't automatically dismiss what your pension provider offers

Even though it's important to shop around, this doesn't necessarily mean that what your pension provider offers will be uncompetitive, so it's important not to discount this quote straight away. For example, if you have an older pension, you may be offered a Guaranteed Annuity Rate (GAR). Annuity rates have fallen over time, so a GAR may be a lot higher than the best annuity rates currently on offer in the open market (your GAR will have been set when you took out the pension).

If you are in any way unsure of which annuity is best, you should seek professional advice.

Moneyfacts tip

Moneyfacts tip Image of Leanne Macardle

Remember that buying an annuity is just one option available at retirement. Rules that came into effect in April 2015 give you much more flexibility around how you take your pension income, so make sure to consider all the options before you take the plunge.

What next?

Find the best annuity rates for you - Compare annuity rates

Disclaimer: This information is intended solely to provide guidance and is not financial advice. Moneyfacts will not be liable for any loss arising from your use or reliance on this information. If you are in any doubt, Moneyfacts recommends you obtain independent financial advice.

Blue sticky note on a desk with the word 'Annuity' written on it

At a glance

• If you’re thinking of using your pension pot to purchase an annuity in retirement, you need to make sure you get the best possible rate
• Shopping around is key – and this is what the open market option refers to
• By comparing annuities on the open market, rather than automatically choosing the one offered by your pension provider, you can be confident that you’ve found the right deal for you will never contact you by phone to sell you any financial product. Any calls like this are not from Moneyfacts. Emails sent by will always be from Be ScamSmart. will never contact you by phone to sell you any financial product. Any calls like this are not from Moneyfacts. Emails sent by will always be from Be ScamSmart.