If the turn of the year means your car insurance policy is up for renewal, you should certainly take a look at the latest Moneyfacts Annual Car Insurance Star Ratings that have been announced today.
By looking at all the features of available car insurance policies, as well as the competitiveness of their cover limits, our ratings allow consumers to focus on finding the policy that will be the most suitable for their individual needs.
Using our vast knowledge base, gained from the extensive analysis of these products, the ratings aim to give consumers confidence that the insurance policy they choose has all the protection that they require.
"Insuring your car is an unavoidable expense, but making sure you get the best policy for your money can take away some of the pain," said
Samantha Owens, Star Ratings & Personal Finance Analytics Manager at Moneyfacts. "However, with such a wide range of benefits available on today's policies, finding the one with the best selection of features and most competitive limits can be challenging.
"The Moneyfacts Annual Car Insurance Star Ratings takes away some of this work, allowing the customer to filter down and choose the best policy for their money by highlighting the most comprehensive products in the market."
To see the full list of awarded products, please click here.
Information is correct as of the date of publication (shown at the top of this article). Any products featured may be withdrawn by their provider or changed at any time. Links to third parties on this page are paid for by the third party. You can find out more about the individual products by visiting their site. Moneyfactscompare.co.uk will receive a small payment if you use their services after you click through to their site. All information is subject to change without notice. Please check all terms before making any decisions. This information is intended solely to provide guidance and is not financial advice. Moneyfacts will not be liable for any loss arising from your use or reliance on this information. If you are in any doubt, Moneyfacts recommends you obtain independent financial advice.